Policy Governing Staff Action Towards Disrespectful Behaviour

KLM has a strict zero tolerance policy for disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour of any kind. This extends to, but is not limited to, coaches, administrators, players, parents, spectators, opposition and referees. Behaviours of such nature include but are not limited to; foul language, physical violence, heckling and bullying.

In the event of the occurrence of above described behaviour(s), KLM staff must report the incident immediately to the club’s Operations Manager and/or Player Development Manager. The Operations Manager and Player Development Manager must then report the incident immediately to the club’s General Manager.

The General Manager will work with necessary parties to mediate an appropriate outcome.

Refer to KLM’s Policy on Respect for Coaches and Referees for direct action taken by the club for such behaviours.

KLM Soccer Club
Community Over Competition

Updated Nov 1st, 2022