Spring Tourney Series: U16-U18

(2002-2004 born)

KLM’s “Spring Tourney Series” is designed for players wanting more in-depth player development and competitive team experience. Far from just practices, KLM Spring Tourney participants train as a team in preparation for three spring tournaments. Each KLM U16-U18 spring team is led by experienced coaches, ensuring player development in preparation for the upcoming season.

Please note that teams are formed based on the player participants, and will be finalized in late February. Early-bird registration strongly encouraged as teams are formed by early February. Please read Program Details and Answers to Common Questions below. Welcome to Spring KLM!

Program Details

Event: Spring Tourney Series: U16-U18 (Spring 2020)
Participants: U16 (2004) – U18 (2002) boys
Dates: April 1st – June 10th, 2020
Schedule: 1st Practice: Wednesdays (6-7pm)
2nd Practice: Saturday or Sundays, Fields TBA
Tournaments: 3 weekends in May, early June
Location: Memorial South Park (turf field)
Parking on Prince Albert St. near 45th Ave. (be mindful of signs)
Format: KLM Spring Tourney Series U16-U18 participants train twice a week, and enter into 3 spring tournaments. Teams are led by experienced coaches and balanced based on age and experience.
Equipment: Players are provided team jerseys, shorts, and socks. Players must have their own shin-guards and cleats.

$235 inclusive for 10 weeks of fun, competitive soccer including tournament fees. KLM strives to be accessible to all.

See Common Questions below regarding financial assistance.

The refund deadline for spring season is March 15th.

** $45 automatic early-bird discount until January 15th **

Registration: You can find the registration button at the bottom of this page.
Weather: KLM plays rain or shine so think weather-appropriate clothes. KLM notifies parents by 1pm of the program day of field closures or cancellations. See Common Questions below for ‘Field Status’.
Questions: First, look below to see answers to our most common questions.
Email questions, concerns, or suggestions to: info@klmsoccer.com


Common Questions: Safety Related

Safety is first. Please make coaches aware of any potential injuries or illnesses.

Appropriate Clothing?
For practices, kids can wear either shorts or pants. For games, players need to wear their team jerseys, shorts, and shorts.

Field Status & Alternative Field(s)?
City of Vancouver updates their field statusevery Friday afternoon: https://covapp.vancouver.ca/parkfinder/FieldStatus.aspx

Common Questions: Participation-Related

Player Development
Need more spring soccer?! Always feel free to reach out to the head coach or club to ask about opportunities that match your needs.

KLM’s “Spring Fantasy” and “Spring Tourney” series are designed and scheduled to be complementary (starting as early as U7-U10). Significant player development occurs during the spring season in players who attend both, and commit to achieving their next level. The Fantasy series creates significant play opportunities while the Tourney series creates team experiences against varied opposition.


Parent Volunteers
KLM is a non-profit youth sports organization supported by the dedication of staff and volunteers alike. Please contact info@klmsoccer.com if interested in volunteering for KLM club or for your child’s age-group. Remember that the coach rely on parents each week for communicating player availability, punctuality of players, goal net set-up, etc. Be part of making KLM better!

Common Questions: Money-Related

Financial Assistance?
KLM proudly supports soccer for all children, irrespective of financial capacity. Contact registrar@klmsoccer.com to arrange to speak about financial assistance through KidSport. Learn more about KidSport in your city; visit KidSport-Vancouver at: www.kidsportcanada.ca/british-columbia/vancouver

Refunds are possible prior to deadline, less a $35 administration fee. The refund deadline for spring season is March 15th. See www.klmsoccer.com/registration for further details. Requests and questions are to be emailed to the Registrar at: registrar@klmsoccer.com.

Common Questions: People-Related

Parental Attitudes?
Parents have a big impact in youth sports. Modelling positive attitudes, sportsmanship, patience, respectful behaviour and spectator roles is integral to success in youth soccer. Help our coaches make KLM soccer positive for all involved.

Bringing Issues Forward?
There are always surprises in youth soccer. Remember that fields, times, etc may be adjusted for many reasons, and sometimes at last minute. Please work with staff to model healthy and proactive communication. Please let your coach know if you have concerns, or if needed, forward your comments confidentially to feedback@klmsoccer.com and an appropriate KLM director will get back to you.

Giving back to KLM?
KLM is a community and volunteer-run organization. We genuinely and deeply thank the participation, support, and humour of all parents involved. Go KLM!

Field Locations

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