U8-U12 Boys Summer Camps

Summer marks the official beginning of the soccer season. Please be mindful of the jump to the next age-group (eg. U7 to U8) when registering.

 U8- U12 Boys Summer Camps

U8 (2013)
U9 (2012)
U10 (2011)
U11 (2010)
U12 (2009)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
August 17, 2020 to August 21, 2020

Mondays to Fridays
U8 & U9 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
U10 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
U11 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
U12 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Kensington South Field
5175 Dumfries, Vancouver

Program Fee: $149
Program Description
KLM Summer Camps are all about creating a friendly environment and fostering a love of
playing team sports for boys in our community. Qualified staff coaches introduce fun, engaging
activities and games that give our young stars ample opportunity to learn ‘with the ball at their
feet’! Players are organized and balanced by age, gender and abilities to ensure success – fun and
development – for everyone.

Free soccer t-shirt is provided to each registrant!

*Registration is now open

Space is Limited. Registration will close once capacity is reached.